Battle of the titans! There are no two bigger cloud service providers competing against each other than Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). So with these two big players alone at the top of the list of cloud service providers, what are the Azure benefits over AWS?
Although AWS has been around longer (2006) than Azure (2010), Azure boasts quite a few benefits over AWS and we’ll go into them one at a time.
Dependable Hybrid Cloud Solutions
By utilizing Azure’s hybrid cloud solutions, your existing on site IT infrastructure doesn’t need to be replaced and instead can be improved by Azure’s cloud solution which allows an organization to reduce their security risks, make connectivity easier and reduce overhead costs.
Regional Options
Azure leads the way with 42 data centers across the world. This makes it easier to globalize your services and/or team’s infrastructure. Microsoft has made their Global Data Center Region expansions a top priority to ensure the people who need to connect your business can do so using the right region data center.
Developer Friendly
Azure offers developer friendly services that help get your project published with a few steps. Azure offers many “as a Service” right out of the box which allow developers to be far more productive. Whether Azure helps developers by helping deliver your application, use agile development practices, or allow your dev team to use popular languages and frameworks, Azure offers the better of support for developers.
Cost Savings
If your organization already has an Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft, chances are you are already using many products they offer. This results in getting deep discounts on bulk licensing and better rates for using Azure.
Compatibility with .Net
An important factor for your business might be the fact that Azure provides .Net application compatibility right out of the box. Many companies have older apps built on this programming language that can now be migrated to the cloud through Azure.
Easy learning curve
Easy right out of the box. Azure uses technology that developers and technicials already use so migrating to Azure is second nature. AWS is notorious for being too complex and over documented. Azure, on the other hand, lets people use what they are already used to using such as virtual machines, Linux, active directories and more. Tools are easily integrated to any project such as Github, Eclipse and Visual Studios.
Microsoft has been the leader in security for years which is why they were the first to achieve ISO 27018. Azure will protect your data and apps employing industry leading Security Development Lifecycle protocol. It’s also worth mentioning that Azure is the leading cloud option for most United States government agencies.
JTD Partners can help implement Azure for your organization. From planning to help migrate your current IT infrastructure and apps, we can help you and your team switch to the cloud with Azure. Are you ready to get started? Contact us or call.